September 27

TeselaGen Biotechnology Renews Partnership with Joint BioEnergy Institute


BioP2P Staff

TeselaGen Biotechnology said it is extending its relationship with Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) through 2027 through a new, multi-year contract.

JBEI, led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is one of four U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Centers that conduct innovative research on biofuels and bioproducts.

TeselaGen and JBEI have been collaborating since 2017 on informatic tools for synthetic biology workflows. Over that time, JBEI has continued to deliver novel scientific advancements and breakthroughs needed to produce renewable, carbon-neutral biofuels from non-food plant fiber.

“Biomanufacturing has become a vital component of the U.S strategy, which has been recently ratified by the U.S. National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative, to provide a sustainable, safe, and secure American bioeconomy,” said Eduardo Abeliuk, co-founder and CEO of TeselaGen

TeselaGen’s biotech R&D software platform allows biologists, lab technicians and bioinformaticians to run scalable experiments, seamlessly connecting data, tools and protocols for high-throughput workflows, allowing them to collaboratively design, build, test and continually learn. The company said the approach, coupled with AI modeling, opens the door for radical transformation of biology and biochemistry and enables rapid expansion of potential applications across biological R&D, agritech, protein engineering, antibody optimization, gene and cell therapy, and more.

Read the full release here.



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